FWCA Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do you offer scholarships?
A: Yes, we offer a limited amount of scholarships, thanks to our gracious sponsors - to cover the cost of registration. If you are interested in learning more about this option, please contact, Dr. Crasha Townsend, at fwca@vt.edu. The scholarships are on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Q: Is there a discount code to register for FWCA?
A: No, there is no code for a reduced registration price.
Below is the link to register.
Q: Is the early bird conference registration fee refundable? If so, when would I need to cancel the registration?
A: All refund requests must be received a month prior to the conference start date. A $100 administrative fee will be deducted from all refunds. Requests should be sent by email or by initiating a drop request through the online registration system.
As an alternative to a refund, you may send a substitute at no additional cost. Please contact us at 540-231-5182 or e-mail cpeinfo@vt.edu to request a substitution. Please note: refunds will not be issued for request 30 days prior the conference start date, no-shows or for cancellations received on or after the program start date.
Q: How do I get involved with FWCA/ the Scholars Network?
A: This semester there are few ways to get involved with the FWCA Scholars Network:
Nominations are closed for the Zenobia L. Hikes Woman of Color in the Academy Award due September 30th
RSVP to attend Healing Hour Events
(Wednesday, September 25, 2024)
(Wednesday, November 6, 2024) RSVP to Attend
(Wednesday, January 22, 2025) RSVP to Attend
(Wednesday, March 26,2025) RSVP to Attend- Register to attend the FWCA conference in April by clicking the below link.
Submit a 50-minute workshop proposal that supports the conference theme of “Empower, Elevate, and Excel: Leading the Academy into the Future" -- due September 30th
Submissions are now closed, for the 2025 FWCA Conference.Submit an audition to perform at the Evening of Excellence—due September 30th
Submissions are now closed, for the 2025 FWCA Conference.- Request to be an on-site volunteer for this year’s conference. Email us at fwca@vt.edu
Q: When is the conference hotel rate available for participants?
A: The standard dates for the hotel discounts will be April 10-13, 2025. Should you need dates outside this window, please contact our conference manager, Jeneen Preston pjeneen7@vt.edu.
Q: In scheduling travel, what are the suggested arrival/departure dates?
A: The Welcome Reception will be held on April 10, 2025 at 5:30pm (check-in begins at 1pm).
On Sunday, April 13th the conference will wrap up around 1pm. Our tentative schedule conference schedule is available here: https://www.inclusive.vt.edu/Programs/FWCA/conference-info.html
Q: Will meals be provided?
A: Thursday – snacks/coffee during breakouts and welcome reception that evening.
Friday – Breakfast buffet, lunch on your own, dinner buffet
Saturday – Breakfast buffet, lunch on your own, dinner buffet
Sunday – Brunch will be provided.
Q: Can I bring my child? Will I need to pay to register them?
A: Yes, you can bring your child, however, we do not provide any childcare during the conference. We offer a Lactation Lounge for nursing mothers. Also, there is the option to purchase a meal plan for any child over 5. If you need to leave out due to your child needing some down-time, please feel free to use the meditation room or the lactation room. Children must remain with their parents/guardians at all times.
Q: As a sponsor, how does the waiver process work?
A: Your sponsorship contribution allows us to prioritize decreasing the individual registration price for women who have to pay for their registration out of pocket.
Each sponsorship level comes with waivers. The waivers can go directly to women of your choice; or you can donate them back to the conference, so that they can be distributed specifically to women of color in financial need.
For more information please see the link below.
Q: As a Academic sponsor, how and when do I receive the waivers?
A: Once we have received payment, you will receive a comp code within two weeks that you can distribute to the attendees that will be attending. Directions for how to use these comp codes will also be provided.
Q: Who can be nominated for an award?
A: Nominees for the FWCA Achievement awards do not have to be currently affiliated with or graduates of Virginia Tech. FWCA is a national conference hosted by VT but our participants, presenters, and recipients are from across the country. We hope you will strongly making a nomination for the (2) Zenobia Lawrence Hikes Awards.
Q: What does the On-Demand Workshop Collection entail?
A: Every presenter included in the On-Demand Collection will have the opportunity to record and submit a 45-60 minute presentation on their topic. This video will be submitted six weeks before the conference and then uploaded to our app, for attendees to watch on-demand. Although you will not engage with the audience live there should be a feature on the app for viewers to leave comments and questions and you’ll be able to respond to/communicate with attendees directly through the app
Q: Did the conference name change? Why?
A: Yes! The Future World Changers in the Academy, formerly the Faculty Women of Color in the Academy, updated its name in 2025.
We revised the name of the conference in light of concerns around perceptions/understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs in the United States. We wanted the name to clearly reflect that FWCA is a nondiscriminatory program, open to all World Changers who wish to attend.
This does not change our overall goals of elevating marginalized and underrepresented experiences in academia and providing space for such experiences to be supported and celebrated. We also hope to connect more deeply with our international audiences and clearly connect the work of the conference to the United Nations Sustainability Goals, particularly gender equality, quality education, and reducing inequalities.
Q: What is the target audience for FWCA?
A: FWCA’s target audience are faculty members, administrators, post-docs, and graduate students. This conference serves as a space of connection, empowerment, and support for those serving in various roles in and around the academy. In addition to traditional faculty roles, we invite college administrators at all levels, graduate students, independent scholars, non-profit and K12 educators, consultants, and entrepreneurs to attend.
Q: Who can attend FWCA?
A: FWCA is open to anyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, immigration status, religion, or disability. FWCA does not discriminate on the basis of any identity.
FWCA recognizes that experiences in higher education are impacted by many factors, including background, experiences, and identities. A recent report from the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources shows that representation of Black, Latinx, Asian, Native American and Pacific Islander women in faculty positions is less than 5% in most ranks. As such, FWCA seeks to create a space where communities that have often been marginalized and silenced in higher education can feel empowered to share their voice, wisdom, perspectives, and experiences.
According to the CUPA survey, at the Assistant Professor rank, Asian American women are 8.7%; Black women are 4.7%; Latinas are 3.4%; Native women are .3%; and Pacific Islander women are .1%. At the rank of Associate Professor, Asian American women are 5.5%; Black women are 2.8%; Latinas are 2.4%; Native women are .2%; and Pacific Islander women are .1%. At the rank of Full Professor, Asian women are 3.6%; Black women are 1.5%; Latinas are 1.7%; and Native American and Pacific Islander women are .1%.
Everyone who attends, especially as allies, advocates, and activists, is encouraged to support the advancement and elevation of the voices and experiences of those who have often been overlooked, questioned, doubted, and challenged because of their identities.
Q: I want to learn more about FWCA and the conference.
A: For over a decade the Future World Changers in the Academy (FWCA) has been a leading professional development conference for change agents in higher education. Faculty members, college administrators, independent scholars, consultants and entrepreneurs, deans and even university presidents from across the United States gather for a dynamic 4-day experience each April. Conference participants can expect to engage in thought provoking dialogue that builds resiliency and grit as we navigate our pathways to success and career advancement in academia.
During the conference weekend we have an assortment of keynote speakers, interactive workshops, award ceremonies, networking opportunities, and cultural celebrations. The FWCA pillars are to connect, support, and empower future world changers who serve within or adjacent to the academy. Conference attendees engage in meaningful conversation about personal well-being, leadership, career development, and scholar activism. We encourage scholars to build relationships with potential mentors and future research collaborators during and beyond the conference experience.
For updates on conference happenings be sure to connect with us on social media @vtFWCA on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If you would like to join the FWCA Network and get personalized updates and outreach, email us a request to be added to the network at FWCA@vt.edu
Q: What do I need to know about parking?
A: If you are staying nearby we recommend taking the blue line on the MetroRail train or bus because parking at the hotel is about $42 a day or $20 an hour. You can get a discount voucher at check in, from the hotel if you are staying off-site. Street parking is limited, and not guaranteed. The conference does not provide any parking passes.
Q: Where do I check in for the conference, once I arrive at the hotel?
A: Thursday, April 10, 2025 - FWCA check-in will be on the second outside the escalator near the front desk, from 1:00PM-5:00PM. A more detailed schedule will be provided in a Know Before You Go, one week prior to the conference.
Friday, April 11, 2025 and Saturday, April 12, 2025 check-in will be outside the Arlington Ballroom, at the Arlington Help Desk (2nd floor) from 8am-5pm.
Q: Where can I find the full list of workshops with the time?
A: You can find the full list of our in-person workshops after workshops have been confirmed.
Q: What’s the WiFi Password for the conference center
Q: I’m having issues accessing live streamed and on-demand sessions on the app.
A: Please contact our IT Manager at OIDtech@vt.edu with the subject line “FWCA Conference App Issues."
Q: How can I get involved and join the planning committee for FWCA 2025?
A: Thank you for your interest. You can also email us directly at FWCA@vt.edu with the subject line “2025 Planning Committee Interest”. The 2025 planning committee will require a minimum of 25 service hours between September 2024 - April 13, 2025. Please consider this time commitment as you gauge your interest. Alternatively, if you would like to sign up to be an on-site volunteer for conference weekend that would be appreciated as well! More questions please reach out to Jeneen Preston, at pjeneen7@vt.edu
Q: How can I become a sponsor for FWCA 2025?
A: Thank you for your interest. Please email us directly at FWCA@vt.edu with the subject line “2025 Sponsorship Interest”. Be sure to share your name, your organization’s name and the appropriate contact information for who would approve the sponsorship. The 2025 sponsorship levels can be found on the link below.
Q: What is the FWCA COVID-19 Policy?
Virginia Tech continues to be vigilant in adhering to a range of public health and university guidelines to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. It is strongly encouraged that all participants, vaccinated or unvaccinated, should use prevention strategies at the training, such as wearing masks, physical distancing, hand hygiene, and respiratory etiquette.
You must not attend if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or believe you have been exposed to someone with COVID. If you have symptoms, stay home and away from others for at least 5 days. You can go back to your normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both of these are true:
- Your symptoms are getting better overall, AND
- You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication).
- Once you resume normal activities, take added precautions for the next five days (wear a mask and social distance).
- If you don’t have symptoms
- You do not need to stay home but might still be contagious and able to spread the virus.
- Take added precautions for the next five days.
- If you start to feel worse or get a fever after you have gone back to normal activities, stay home and away from others again and follow the steps above.
- If you are at risk for severe illness talk with your healthcare provider right away to see if you are eligible for treatment.
By voluntarily attending this conference you understand that your risk of exposure to COVID-19 may increase, regardless of the care and reasonable efforts taken to avoid and mitigate that risk.