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  1. Alumni Endowed Scholarship
    1. Funded by Virginia Tech, the Black Alumni Endowed Scholarship is a one-time award available for students who exhibit academic achievement. 
  2. Black Cultural Center Alumni Scholarship 
    1. The scholarship is intended to support and promote the purpose and mission of the Black Cultural Center and provide support to students who enhance the lives of those associated with the Black Cultural Center. 
  3. Dr. Ben Stallings and Kimberly Stallings Scholarship 
    1. Funded by Virginia Tech, the Dr. Benjamin Stallings Scholarship is a one-me scholarship awarded to incoming freshmen undergraduate students, which prefers students from Petersburg High School. 
  4. Keith Fulton and Jacquelyn E. Stone S.T.E.A.M. Scholarship 
    1. Funded by Virginia Tech, the Keith Fulton and Jacquelyn E. Stone S.T.E.A.M. Scholarship is a oneme scholarship awarded to undergraduate students who are majoring in science, technology, engineering, architecture or mathemacs (S.T.E.A.M) disciplines at Virginia Tech. 
  5. Groove Phi Groove Scholarship 
    1. Funded by Virginia Tech, the Groove Phi Groove Scholarship is a one-me award available for students who exhibit academic achievement, and demonstrated financial need as determined by the FAFSA. 
  6. William S. Alderson Memorial Scholarship 
    1. The Montgomery County-Radford City-Floyd County Branch of the NAACP and friends established this scholarship to support and promote the purpose and mission of the local chapter of the NAACP and provide support to students who need financial assistance to aain their educaonal goals.
    2. Recipient(s) shall be selected from nominaon of students who take part in and support the Virginia Tech College Chapter of the NAACP (unit of the NAACP Youth and College Division) acvies and programs, or who parcipate in acvies and programs that have similar missions to that of the college chapter of the NAACP. Because this is an NAACP related scholarship, preference will be given to members of the VT College Chapter of the NAACP.